“ICF defines coaching as a partnership-based and thought-provoking process that creatively supports people and organisations to enhance their personal and professional potential. We see clients as experts in their own lives and believe that they have sufficient resources to achieve their goals on their own.”

Solution-focused & Growth-oriented

"The solution does not care how the problem arose." 

Insoo Kim Berg - Pioneer of solution-focused coaching
  • 100% scientifically based and proven in meta-studies
  • goes back to Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg as founders of “Solution Focused Brief Therapy”
  • is based on the solution-focused brief (time) coaching developed from it
  • achieves long-lasting and sustainable results in a short period of time
  • helps my clients to develop as concrete a picture as possible of their desired future, to become aware of their own possibilities and to find impulses for development
  • has proven to be extremely effective in developing cross-functional and agile teams towards self-organisation and the best possible performance

Innovative & Agile

"The head is round so that thinking can change direction."  

Francis Picabo - French writer
  • applies approaches and tools from the field of design thinking and agility customized to my clients’ needs
  • Design Thinking (Stanford University) is 100% scientifically sound with validated research – 2 big studies demonstrated the efficacy of the format of the curricula intervention
  • expands thinking patterns and opens up access to one’s own creativity and novel solution spaces
  • makes my clients fit for future and more valuable in their jobs, because they acquire innovation know-how on the fly


"Coaching is an integral part of a thriving society and 
each ICF member represents the highest quality of professional coaching." 

ICF - Vision statement
  • The International Coaching Federation (ICF) is the global quality brand and the gold standard in coaching.
  • This is especially important in coaching markets like the German one, where there is an unmanageable number of coaches, trainings and certifications.
  • The ICF stands for professionalism, high credibility, clear quality standards and has a binding code of ethics.