For CEOs and Leaders who make their company and teams fit for the future
Your view into the future
- You operate in a complex, constantly changing market environment and the biggest challenge you see is to secure the innovation capabilities and competitiveness of your company today and for the future.
- The talents, skills, inventiveness and energy of your employees play a decisive role, if not THE decisive role, in creating sustainable competitive advantage.
Your ambition
- You want to develop the existing potential in your team to their fullest, improve and increase the effectiveness and efficiency of team collaboration – in newly formed teams as well as in long-standing ones.
- Strengthening the innovation and problem-solving skills of your teams and your staff as your top priority.
- You promote a willingness to change at all levels of the organisation and see agility as a welcome enabler to try out and establish new ways of working.
Are you looking for a coach and change facilitator who suits you?
Then we should get to know each other.
As Agile and Professional coach for organisations – certified with the ICF
- I support you and your teams to adopt creative thinking and collaborate in an agile way – customer-oriented, effectively and efficiently
- I create a trustful and safe space in line with the potentials of your teams and your employees
- I see myself as an enabler for
- an open dialogue
- impulses for reflection
- diverse learning opportunities
- food for thought on your path towards a higher level of self-awareness
- help for self-help
- I bring in my innovation expertise from the field of design thinking and agility costumised to your needs
- I accompany all levels of your company – from management to each and every individual – in individual coaching formats

How managers and leaders experience working with me
- Jutta is a true professional, very credible and highly regarded.
- She helps teams and the individual gain self-confidence, which is necessary to grow beyond themselves when learning new and unknown things and applying them in real projects.
- What makes Jutta so unique is her pragmatic approach: She understands very quickly where we are in the company and in the teams and supports exactly there with suitable offerings to enable the next development step in the respective situation.
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives.
Charles Darwin
It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.